Client: Conservation Law Foundation (CLF)
Site: LegalServicesFoodHub.org
Projects: Website Architecture; Design Guidance & Implementation; WordPress Blog Strategy & Implementation
This summer we got to work with CLF to improve a website for a service they coordinate focused on food hubs in New England. The site is a connector for food hubs looking for legal advice and guidance through a cultivated network of lawyers interested in working pro-bono to help get them started.
As with many websites there was a lot of information, and the first version of the site had a tough time offering people easy access to all the site had to offer. The basic site/business info, how to get help, how to become part of the lawyer network… it’s a lot to organize so anyone can “consume” what you have to offer. Mapping out websites like this also give us a physical representation of the site, offering groups a simple way to communicate about complicated communications. For me to work with them, and for them to work within their organization.
Through mapping out the website, and analyzing how the site would be used going forward, we then worked with CFL to develop a design and WordPress function that would take the now-well-organized website and display it all to the user in a simple way, as well as make it an easy site to update for CLF.
There was also back-end website processes that weren’t quite how they wanted it to work. Through customizing forms and improving how emails were put together within WordPresss, CLF was able to connect people faster and smoother than before. They could use email filtering/forwarding to move things along more automatically.
Thanks to CLF for working with us. Their work is so important and Internet Farmer was thrilled to do work and food justice all in one project.