Mayor’s Initiative for Healthy Sustainable Food Systems Drives Change in Portland, Maine

We really need to shorten the name of this initiative.  🙂

Since the forum in October, this article was published, and I thought it did a good job of summarizing what we’ve done in the last year, and some of the things we are working on.

Helping more people grow their own food, watching the schools create an amazing local foods program, creating an urban farm to supply a Portland institution and edible landscapes filled with apples, chestnuts, peaches and berries. It’s the sheep mowing that kills me and makes me so psyched to be a part of this.  This was a joke at first, that has ended up with legs to save money on mowing, which apparently is a big bill for the city that we pay for.  So we were actually asked to put a proposal together for a pilot sheep mowing project.  How lucky am I to help make that happen?  Geezum.